Why did we start our new schools?
Hundreds of schools around the world such as Gaztelueta in Spain, The Heights in Washington, Los Arcos in Caracas, Rockbrook in Dublin, Northridge in Chicago, Seido Mikawadai in Nagasaki, Intisana in Quito, Tabancura in Santiago de Chile, etc., were the initiative of parents who were encouraged by the teaching of St. Josemaría Escrivá about the responsibility of parents in the education of their children in modern times.
As can be seen on perusing the websites of these schools, they don’t all have the same educational programme, syllabus, etc. They are following the laws of each country and initiative of the board of each school. The only thing that they share are the criteria about the educational style to work in the schools which is to create a happy family atmosphere as a fruit of: the respect for the human person, sincerity and coherence of life, the sanctification of work, a positive vision of life and the pleasant relationship among the board of the school, parents, teachers and students.
Even though you can find in the writings and teaching of St. Josemaría Escrivá much advice for people involved in schools, we are choosing some of the advice which motivate the Motto for our school:
“For the school there are three important things: First parents, second teachers, third students. Your sons – do not be surprised – are in the third place. In this way, they will do well.” “You (the teachers) need all … (the virtues), but above all, (you must) show the kids very great loyalty, that they can see in you that you love them, that you sacrifice yourself for them, that you have enough knowledge and that you know how to communicate with charm, with light, with the gift of tongues, in such a way that they can understand you… You cannot demand what you do not have. Try to possess it and then you can ask for it.”
The positive experience of the many similar educational projects around the world shows that the care for families that a school provides and an education based on moral values, are the most important factors to provide a proper education in the pluralistic society in which we live, a society characterized by sharp vision contrasts, a rapid flow of information and a confusion of values.
We wanted to create schools which provide:
*Special attention to the parents in order to have a harmony between family and school values / aims.
Harmony between the family and the school allows a progressive development of the virtues of the children. We share the conviction that parents are the first educators of their children and as such they have the primary responsibility in this task. The school should be an extension of the family.

All Students Shall
a) Be familiar with the rules of the school and follow all of them accordingly in order to maintain a safe and orderly environment;
b) Be respectful to the all teachers and staff, other members of the school community and their fellow students at all times and encourage their friends and family to do likewise;
c) Refrain from using profanity and inappropriate behaviour or language on campus:
i) Abusive or inappropriate conduct towards teachers, other staff and fellow students will not be tolerated
ii) Racism
iii) Violence, physical & sexual
iv) Over familiarity.
d) Respect for the property of the school and others, including but not limited to food, devices, equipment and personal belongings:
i) No stealing, pilfering or unauthorized use;
ii) No vandalism or deliberate defacement;
iii) Lack of due care during authorized use;
e) Use of personal electronic devices (i.e. phones, tablets, cameras and the like) shall be prohibited on the campus at all times. Students are required to lodge any personal electronic devices with school administration upon arrival in school. with the following exceptions:
i) A student can only have a phone or another electronic device at school if they have signed a Contract of Use, personally making themselves responsible for accepting these conditions.
ii) If a student is carrying a phone and has not signed the contract, they will not be allowed to bring their phone to the school for the rest of the school year. If it is a necessity, their parents will have to leave it and pick it up at the front desk every day.
iii) The devices need to be clearly named/labelled
iv) Devices must remain switched off at all times on the school premises (unless specific permission has been granted by a member of staff).
v) Emergency calls can be made by request through the school phone.
vi) The phones must remain with administration until home time at the end of the day (unless specific permission has been granted by a member of staff).
vii) School Administration will
(1) be responsible for the physical safety of the devices left in its care;
(2) not tamper with any devices; and
(3) not be responsible for the digital contents and security of the devices left in its care.
viii) If a student is seen with a prohibited device during school hours without permission, it will be confiscated immediately. The device will only be returned when the parent comes to collect it.
ix) The use of any electronic recording devices requires the permission of both a teacher, and the subjects to be recorded in keeping with Rule #2 above.
x) Should a student break the rules { see i) through ix) above} three (3) times, they will not be allowed to bring their device to school for six (6) school weeks.
f) Congregation outside of School Hours
i) Both before and after time-tabled hours, Students are to remain in the Lunch Shed or at the designated drop-off / collection points.
ii) Before School starts, students may enter their classrooms to drop off their Bags, and return the approved play areas.
iii) After school ends, students should remove their belongings from their classrooms, and wait for collection at the designated collection points for
their Form, or the lunch Shed.
iv) Students participating in Extra-Curricular activities should wait for the teacher/coach to arrive before re-entering the building to participate in the
scheduled activity.
v) There should be no congregation of students at any time inside the school building without the supervision of a teacher or member of the School Administration.
g) Follow the school protocol for lodging complaints.
i) Students are strongly encouraged to communicate their concerns to their Teachers or Mentors so that they may be appropriately and conveniently
ii) Resolutions should be sought with teachers first before being escalated to
the Principal;
iii) If a resolution cannot be met, students are encouraged to follow the
school’s Grievance Policy and processes involved therein;
h) Attend school regularly and punctually;
i) Follow the school’s dress code and be ready to participate and learn;
j) Complete their homework assignments on time and revise their work
A. The Board shall approve the standard fee schedule. Fees may be reviewed at least once per year, but may be reviewed more frequently at the sole discretion of the Board.
B. Management shall publish the schedule of fees to parents of all currently enrolled students prior to the start of each school year.
C. Management shall provide the schedule of fees to parents of prospective students.
1. The Board shall establish and approve specific discount categories and ranges.
2. The Board shall delegate the authority to apply the approved discounts to the Head of Schools.
3. The Head of Schools and School Principal shall refer any non-standard discount proposals to the Board for consideration and approval before offering any commitments to the affected family.
4. Discounts are offered at the sole discretion of the school
5. Discounts may be removed in any of the following eventualities
a) The qualifying criteria are no longer met by the Student or Parents.
b) The child has been suspended more than twice in a single Academic Year.
c) There are arrears in excess of 30-days at the time of producing any invoices
E. At the end of each Academic Year, a continuing enrollment Fee equivalent to 10% of the undiscounted Term 1 fees for the following Academic Year shall be payable prior to the dispatch of end of year reports.
A. Invoices shall be payable within 30-days of issuance.
B. Invoices shall be paid by deposit to EDFAMs accounts. The payor shall capture a photograph or screenshot of the deposit slip and/or bank transfer, and shall relay the same to the Principal and Head of Schools.
C. Payments made via cheque delivered to the school, will not be considered final until the cheque has been cleared by the payor’s issuing
D. Receipts shall be issued for all cleared payments within 3 business days of same.
E. Statements of all invoices and payments may be provided upon request, within 3-5 business days.
A. Late payment of Capital Fund and Tuition Fees is not permitted. Failure to complete these payments will result in suspension of the student until payment is completed.
B. Late payment of any other Fees will attract a penalty of 1% of the outstanding Invoice amount per week. Penalties will be automatically applied.
C. All Receivables must be cleared before Term and/or End of Year reports are released.
D. EDFAM reserves the right to employ 3rd Party Receivables Management and Debt Collection Services for open invoices in excess of 90 days overdue.
The EDFAM family of schools, devoted to Education and Families, was established in 2008, with a distinctive educational philosophy, which is deeply rooted in the teachings of Saint Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei. It emphasizes the parents’ role in the education of their children, as well as the educators role in support of parents, to teach children to use their freedom in a responsible manner. As such, it is open to faith-integration and holistic development.
Key aspects of the EDFAM educational approach include:
- Parents, Admin Staff and Teachers work together for a common cause: EDFAM schools strongly endorse the ethos that parents are the primary educators of their children. We believe that school should be an extension of the home and work with families to support the principles of social justice and fairness as observed in the Christian tradition. It is within this context that educators will work closely with parents to support students’ learning and development. Open communication between the school and families is encouraged to create a collaborative learning community.
- Faith Integration: The educational philosophy of EDFAM schools incorporates Catholic teachings and principles into daily life and education. This integration of faith aims to foster a commitment to moral values, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of holiness through everyday activities. Students are encouraged to live out their faith and understand its relevance in all aspects of their lives.
- Character Development: Beyond academic learning, EDFAM schools emphasizes character development to instill values such as integrity, responsibility, and compassion, aiming to nurture well-rounded individuals who contribute positively to society. The emphasis on “work well done” reflects a commitment to excellence and personal growth in all endeavors.
○ In an effort to achieve these ends, a Mentoring system is in place to support both students and families.
- Holistic Education: EDFAM schools aim to provide a holistic education that addresses students’ intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. Through a comprehensive curriculum and supportive learning environment, students are encouraged to excel academically while also growing personally and spiritually.
Overall, the EDFAM family of schools seeks to create an environment where students not only receive a quality education but also develop a strong sense of identity, purpose, and values. By fostering a partnership between home and school, integrating faith into education, and promoting holistic development, EDFAM schools aim to empower students to lead fulfilling lives guided by Catholic principles.